What's the Bid Deal About Illegal Immigration?
That's the question I keep getting asked in Minnesota
It just galls me to know that a sizeable share of Minnesotans see no harm with the illegal immigrants slipping into America and of course moving north into Minnsota too. Just where and when did we lose all sense of what is right and wrong; what is ethical and unethical?
Frankly, I'm tired of being labeled the "bad guy" when I express my desire to send each and everyone of them back to their respective countries. That includes Mexico!
The anchor babies just aren't a good excuse for their illegal immigrant parents to stay here. The solution then is to send the parents back, baby and all.
Now some are going to call me cruel, inhumane, blah blah blah. But I have absolutely no time for those whose very first act in America was a criminal one. NONE! And the fact that they have blended into society and work and have babies, doesn't change my view. They broke the law! No amnesty, no social free ride, no job, go home! These people need to be rounded up, detained until deported but nevertheless deported as soon as possible.
For those who are awaiting acceptance and processing through INS, once processed, Come on down! You are the next contestant on the Fraudulent Federal Tax O Rama!
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