War Against Federal Tyranny And The Misapplication of Income Tax

We The People, fighting to return America to rule of law under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. "...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." --- Declaration of Independence "Tell me when did liberty ever exist when the sword and the purse were given up?" --Patrick Henry

Thursday, November 09, 2006

South Dakota's Amendment E Victim of Fraud?

Something is fishy, very fishy about Election Night in South Dakota

While most voting seems to have gone unaffected by fraud this election season, there is one peculiarity that I just cannot figure out. That is the vote on the Judicial Accountability Amendment known as Amendment E. It isn't a big deal that it lost - IF - it lost by legitimate electorate process. That would just mean that the good people of South Dakota just aren't ready for a judicial system that is directly accountable to them when judges are guilty of malfeasance, misfeasance. That's what our election system is supposed to do - sort out issues by casting a fair ballot.

It seems though that something is amiss with the Amendment E results and here is why I say that:

  1. A poll done by the opposition earlier this year showed 67% FOR 33% AGAINST
  2. A poll done by South Dakota Judicial Accountability September 20th by Zogby International showed 67% FOR 20% AGAINST
  3. I was told by a "No on E" member that their latest poll showed 42% FOR 52% AGAINST
  4. A poll done by KELO TV in Sioux Falls on November 4th just 4 days before the election showed 51% FOR 41% AGAINST 9% UNDECIDED See KELO Poll

On election night, not only for a little while but all night long the results showed a consistent 10% FOR 90% AGAINST! Is a reasonable person to believe that mysteriously on election night, just 3 days after the last poll was cast that the tables shifted by 30-40%? No logical conclusion from the pre-election evidence of the public will could bring you to the numbers that actually turned up. Not even by the opposition's own polling results.

And finally, how does one practically account for the fact that 46,800 able and willing people signed the petitions to get Amendment E on the ballot and the election results show that only 22,374 voted in favor of it! Some may argue that they were lied to about the amendment but I know for a fact that is simply not true.

The executive director of the South Dakota Bar Association said that the very mention of election fraud is an insult to the people of South Dakota. Well now, that will surely be true, Mr. Barnett, if provably there was election fraud.

Stay tuned for more investigation into this implausible election outcome.


This from an email I received.....how fitting....

Subject: Tax

What Happened?
At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of
Be sure to read all the way to the end!
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries, then
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers,
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

Put these words
upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me
to my doom..."

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax,
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest expense
Inventory tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road usage taxes
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class
in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?

And I still have to "press 1" for English
I hope this goes around world 10 times