....the new Democrat controlled Congress will make it a priority to raise the minimum wage - a tax sometimes as cruel to business as the fraudulently imposed income tax on the wages of working men and women is.The current federal minimum wage is $ 5.15. The proposed minimum wage is $ 7.25. An increase of 40%! That is an alarming increase to the small businesses that pay at the level minimum wage (the restaurant and hospitality industries probably the largest of those paying the minimum wage in certain job positions found in the privae sector). It calculates to well over 50% increase in the total payroll expenses on the minimum wage categories when you add in the additional payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, workmen's compensation, etc. that increase along with the new wage base.
Personally, I am against a minimum OR maximum wage no matter the amount, no matter the argument for or against. One's rate of pay ought to be considered and settled between the individual employee and his/her employer. An employer with any integrity will weigh in earnest the value that you bring his company and pay accordingly. The mere practice of word-of-mouth advertising among employees so to speak, will keep wages relatively even within the same general job descriptions.
In the end, though, YOU are ultimately responsible for your income. If YOU find yourself unhappy with what you make, then YOU must decide to seek a raise and stand firm, stay with what you have or pursue other employment.
There is nothing new about negotiating wages. It is after all the American way; the free enterprise system. But a compelled minimum wage has always been a cruel tax on the backs of businesses that ultimately leads to higher consumer prices.